Brand - NEW WAY
Item Number - S41-06300-145610 NEW WAY
Category - Dovetail Air Slides
Imperial :
Input Pressure (psi) - 60
Flow (SCFH) - 20 - 30
Stage Area (inch) - 8 x 12
Stage Travel (inch) - 12
Stage Length (inch) - 12
Guidebar Length (inch) - 24
Stage Width (inch) - 8
Guidebar Width (inch) - 5.7
Stage Height (inch) - 3
Travel Length (inch) - 12
Guidebar Height (inch) - 1.5
Stage Weight (lbs) - 13.1
Guidebar Weight (lbs) - 11.79
Total Weight (lbs) - 24.89
Metric :
Input Pressure (MPa) - 0.41
Flow (NLPM) - 8.65 - 12.97
Stage Area (mm) - 203 x 305
Stage Travel (mm) - 305
Stage Length (mm) - 305
Guidebar Length (mm) - 610
Stage Width (mm) - 203
Guidebar Width (mm) - 145
Stage Height (mm) - 75
Travel Length (mm) - 305
Guidebar Height (mm) - 38
Stage Weight (kg) - 5.942
Guidebar Weight (kg) - 5.348
Total Weight (kg) - 11.29
Notes :
Proprietary Item :
The drawing is proprietary to New Way Machine Components, Inc. Unauthorized use, reproduction, or disclosure is prohibited without written consent. All rights reserved.
** Images are for representation purposes only