Brand - DODGE
Item Number - DODGE - P2B-SCBED-25M
Category - Extreme Duty Setscrew Ball Bearings (SCBED Normal Pillow Blocks)
Series - 205
Shaft Size (mm) - 25
Description - P2B-SCBED-25M
Weight (kg) - 0.7
Length Through Bore (A) mm - 34
Overall Length (B) mm - 139.7
Overall Width (C) mm - 35.6
Bolt to Bolt Minimum Distance (D min) mm - 93.7
Bolt to Bolt Maximum Distance (D max) mm - 114.3
F-Bolt Diameter - M10
G (mm) - 21.6
H (mm) - 11.4
Overall Height (J) mm - 67.1
L (mm) - 33.5
Base to Center Height (M) mm - 33.3
R (mm) - 14.2
S (mm) - 19.8
U (mm) - 63.5
V (mm) - 127
W (mm) - 12.7
X (mm) - 3
Dynamic Load Capacity - Available on Request
Static Load Capacity - Available on Request
Maximum Speed - Available on Request
Notes :
P2B - 2-bolt base pillow block
SCED - Extreme duty
B - Low backing height pillow block
M - Metric
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